Wednesday, July 7, 2010

You're Beautiful

So the first drama I've ever watched was You're Beautiful. There were 16 episodes. The drama is awesome as in the plot, romance, music, cast, everything!!!! It's basically about this girl, that's going to be a nun meets her twin brother's manager, asking her to pretend to be her brother since he's about to get a really good deal, but the brother's in America, treating his messed up eye. All she has to do is sign the contract. When she gets there, she meets the band that her brother will be with and the lead singer isn't happy that the girl (being her brother) is joining. He complains that his songs require the voices to hit his high notes. The band makes her sing, and when they heard her voice, they accepted her immediately; begrudging, but they admitted her voice was good enough. Somehow, she gets pulled into the whole thing and has to live with the band, and all these things. The drama overall is really cute! It's also funny, and dramatic. I mean, what do you expect out of a drama, right? It also forms a love tangle where all of the band members (3 guys) like her while she doesn't realize any of this. I definitely suggest this drama to anybody that hasn't watched it yet!

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